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Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE]

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Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] Empty Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE]

Post by Shifare Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:24 pm

Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] 8aad01f0b022b018ff97aad3aa993c4b_original

Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] D437295a3508de359abe00fca107c042_original

Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] 7ab14172094ec574c8318862ef1a171c_original
Copyright by Mythic Games – Pictures copied from Kickstarter campaign

Last edited by Shifare on Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


Posts : 280
Join date : 2016-11-28
Age : 35
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Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] Empty Re: Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE]

Post by Teowulff Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:24 am

I think it's an absolutely beautiful sculpt!! Shocked

FIVE activations, you cannot retaliate against him, Block and Climb and 2 movement (so nowhere to hide) - and Torment to compensate for his 7 attack and -1 damage (like Achilles) to compensate for his 8 defense stats. A very solid, simple destructive monster!

For the rest nothing special, what you see is what you get!
Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] NFecMSwJWpaxLUopxCMUrNKPk2ykWJABLdXLUuQioSneTOJaoELZiCgy3z9lNzHPHOBD54fekVJjgnMggzDhhPduhBOygfQLPi5IEkEt5Q17Dg98USCQ2xHz21xUEFBPrYPz_S2dPceqdxxidvzC5bPk5oq_Pd6ggzCrllXLKsDqwv_-lrHKvEQIaj8u3QYzFY-EJRb-M_m1TeUHrizfVlpEJ3HRCK3JPTn5xhGt7SMtqOQgMAdlhblfgwTWDvothSYXWEeHcsv4G8Ccv125_3bbUB9IIfMJXEioRD-Idc6M7uUFNKql0qQppvWMC_QUlIprWIJEhqs6ubl0kAmjzbeptcOjVCc4S3DHWsigLdeWYr02LvZERbFmYHGwf7winOEJ7B1mdotFPIt97VzI9ULhoWTYNVwjgpJNm_csqWKeiJrcziZ9dsHZ6em3qRxEQNkCbXb_z8QAw15NCbQqr2zvQOUoDRimfMRhaflQ9Hbtec3ufc4mcUTQXxi5om5VXXzNANwl9cezaM48NMksZzOnTL5W0qdE7LwpE6JeN97ZYWdN23SnDrQZmZ-ZUR0OHFGkOzJOYCcDfGtYsTj9FlGHnDV7a34B6mIoEZ88hq1xkaiiVRmYnb7nvzvqHYltsG5JgvK51pUKtdO0Y9fBUR-5sw6UcYTkyzJgR5clPg=w704-h455-no

Posts : 201
Join date : 2016-11-28
Location : Utrecht, Almere, Amsterdam

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Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] Empty Re: Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE]

Post by Morten Brandt Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:29 am

Almost as unchillies as Achillies himself. More wounds, less defense.

Last edited by Morten Brandt on Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:37 am; edited 1 time in total

Morten Brandt

Posts : 23
Join date : 2016-12-03

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Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] Empty Re: Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE]

Post by Rhalius Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:43 pm

Faster moving than regular Achilles too, for the same points.

Certainly one of my favorite creature sculpts and he seems like one of those units that will be usefull in pretty much any army.


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Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] Empty Re: Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE]

Post by Teowulff Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:30 pm

Rhalius wrote:Faster moving than regular Achilles too, for the same points.
Certainly one of my favorite creature sculpts and he seems like one of those units that will be usefull in pretty much any army.
Except the medieval sword, totally out of place in an Ancient Greek world!

One thing that the Lion lacks is an area attack or effect. He's a bit like the Manticore: a very strong monster against a single target (like a God) but having difficulties versus Guarding units and effects. -1 damage from attacks makes him roughly equal to a 10 defense rating. Furthermore 2 movement and climb and 5 activations makes it very hard for his victim to get away from the fight; the Lion is a persistent and resilient hunter.

Posts : 201
Join date : 2016-11-28
Location : Utrecht, Almere, Amsterdam

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Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE] Empty Re: Nemean Lion : Majestic [BG KSE]

Post by Telgar Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:55 am

Like the meeting of Perseus and Medusa, the thought of the meeting of The Lion with the Veteran Heracles (with the Lion Hide) makes me smile...

The Lion is a very strong unit. I believe a re-match with Heracles is in order ;-) One less wound, no retaliation, Torment and 5 activations versus Heracles 3 rerolled dices and maybe one ranged attack first (heracles strength)

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