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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Shifare Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:11 am

The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] 7c567aa201fc754ea82ab782ecf9929b_original

The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] 102e5d3146b4ad39d7be1ecaf17344a6_original

The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Bbdcd24e53124644c1a776fe34e7b442_original

The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] A9a93e7becfdde2b10780f5546ab9bba_original
Copyright by Mythic Games – Pictures copied from Kickstarter campaign

Last edited by Shifare on Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:38 pm; edited 2 times in total


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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Cap7deuce Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:05 pm

You just gotta have this in youre army at one point or another. Damn son!

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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Teowulff Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:49 pm

8/8 and one extra 5 dice attack. Flying, Torment, Block and Guard. -1 to his enemy's attack. Exactly what you would expect for a 5RP monster. And keep in mind he can also Evade, being a flying unit.

The only thing he is missing is an area attack. Potentially the Manticore is a God killer but against the (multiple) Troops with Block that will usually be surrounding a God/Goddess he has a slight problem. If he could use his Sting before his normal attack that would solve the problem, but it's at the end of his activation. It would become a war of attrition, where the Manticore player hopes the God's player will run out of AoW cards to recall those Troops.

For the rest he can stand up 1 vs 1 against almost any opponent, including Gods and perhaps a titan or two. He has 5 activations against 4 for most of them. Very simple without lots of wistles and bells, but very effective.

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Location : Utrecht, Almere, Amsterdam

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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Morten Brandt Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:22 am

Yes he is certainly a killer: Move 2, block, flying, Attack 8, torment and vile presence makes the manticore able to go where it wants and cause a lot of damage with 8 dice against the target which recieves an impressive -2 defense.

Ideally I would seek out isolated defense 7 heroes or monsters and slay them, or mortally wound them in one attack.

Morten Brandt

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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Rhalius Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:04 am

Seeing how he has torment and vile presence, that does give me the idea that such things can stack. Or does that only count for debuffs and not for buffs?


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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Morten Brandt Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:09 am

I can see that according to p. 19 the manticore can use either torment or vile presence.

Morten Brandt

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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Teowulff Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:13 am

Morten Brandt wrote:I can see that according to p. 19 the manticore can use either torment or vile presence.
That's right.

Vile presence always works for enemies in his area. Also when they do an attack or when they are attacked by friendly units.
Torment only works for melee attacks. So no idea why he has it as Vile presence does everything Torment does - and more.
The only exception I can think of would be attacking a unit in a full area, which counts as a melee attack but isn't in his own area.

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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Morten Brandt Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:43 pm

Not as exciting now.

Morten Brandt

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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Aquiles10 Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:16 pm

I dont think the Manticore has Torment and Guard.

Quoting QW in the descrption of the Manticura in the updates:

"It lacks Cerberus’ Guard talent..."
..."something this large and unpleasant also has Block to stop its foes sneaking off, plus Mighty Throw to smash its enemies out of the way".

So i would say that its talents are those two QW mention.

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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by Teowulff Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:32 pm

Aquiles10 wrote:I dont think the Manticore has Torment and Guard.
Quoting QW in the descrption of the Manticura in the updates:

"It lacks Cerberus’ Guard talent..."
..."something this large and unpleasant also has Block to stop its foes sneaking off, plus Mighty Throw to smash its enemies out of the way".
So i would say that its talents are those two QW mention.
Yup. I read on the forum "I believe the Manticore's talents should be Mighty Throw and Block". So that would explain the overlaps.
Now I hope that Penthesilea also has some different talents that overlap less than Charisma and Bolster .. like Phalanx!

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Location : Utrecht, Almere, Amsterdam

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The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE] Empty Re: The Manticore : A god to the Feeble-Minded [KSE]

Post by LeiPak Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:48 pm

Teowulff wrote:
Aquiles10 wrote:I dont think the Manticore has Torment and Guard.
Quoting QW in the descrption of the Manticura in the updates:

"It lacks Cerberus’ Guard talent..."
..."something this large and unpleasant also has Block to stop its foes sneaking off, plus Mighty Throw to smash its enemies out of the way".
So i would say that its talents are those two QW mention.
Yup. I read on the forum "I believe the Manticore's talents should be Mighty Throw and Block". So that would explain the overlaps.
Now I hope that Penthesilea also has some different talents that overlap less than Charisma and Bolster .. like Phalanx!

Yeah, that sounds good.

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