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Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH]

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Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH] Empty Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH]

Post by Shifare Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:57 pm

Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH] 2fc96bf698548dfbe916ec22d1863e10_original

Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH] Fce9c902d141e084c912c8ee678dee17_original

Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH] 4ea2fd2331791acc4107f5d6278d5c29_original

Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH] 5aa61abee2ae2c56ac93f67949fe8ee8_original
Copyright by Mythic Games – Pictures copied from Kickstarter campaign

Last edited by Shifare on Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH] Empty Re: Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH]

Post by Teowulff Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:41 pm

Decent sculpt, although I think it needs a good paint job to really let the fox come out ...

Torment with 6/8 makes for some decent damage against most units.
The fox's mobility, climb and uncatchable talents make him very hard to damage for non-ranged units.

I don't really see how he can deal damage without staying in the same area as his target, though. He either is there already and attacks and runs away (mobility) - or runs to his target and attacks (end turn). Unless he can pick some soft targets, he still needs a companion to operate efficiently and make use of his special skill. So enemies can be thrown into his area by a Mighty Throw companion, the fox can have a bite and then run away, for example.

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Join date : 2016-11-28
Location : Utrecht, Almere, Amsterdam

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Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH] Empty Re: Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH]

Post by Morten Brandt Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:32 am

The Teumessian Fox is forcing the opponent to occupy areas with omphalos, or else it will steal it.

Morten Brandt

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Join date : 2016-12-03

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Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH] Empty Re: Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH]

Post by MaxC Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:43 am

The Fox's primary purpose is clearly to fetch the omphalos and make it real hard for the opponent to get it back. I'd mostly use him for that purpose alone and rely on his decent attack as an extra deterrent to enemy units chasing him. A companion would only slow him down in that purpose.

Good catch on the Mighty Throw combo though Teowulff! I wonder if being thrown into him counts as moving for the purpose of Uncatchable. Probably not, since the unit is technically not moving into him. Still a very interesting way to max out the Fox's potential, though I don't necessarily see that happening very often. More of a cool bonus than anything reliable.

Edit : If I were to implement that suggestion, I'd definitely use Polyphemus for his free throw. Move 1 means he wouldn't be able to follow around though.

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Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH] Empty Re: Teumessian Fox : Cunning, these Foxes [ECH]

Post by Telgar Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:00 pm

Teowulff wrote:I don't really see how he can deal damage without staying in the same area as his target, though. He either is there already and attacks and runs away (mobility) - or runs to his target and attacks (end turn). Unless he can pick some soft targets, he still needs a companion to operate efficiently and make use of his special skill. So enemies can be thrown into his area by a Mighty Throw companion, the fox can have a bite and then run away, for example.

I can think of 3 instances when the fox attacks :
1/ During the enemy turn, one unit will enter the Fox area (and stop). The fox will then move to an adjacent area. It can chose an area with another enemy unit in it. On your turn, it will be able to attack and then move.
2/ The fox may move to an occupied area.
3/ The fox may attack from a vantage point (cliff: range +1)

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