Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
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Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
Copyright by Mythic Games – Pictures copied from Kickstarter campaign
Last edited by Shifare on Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
"She who cannot be moved".
Strong and sturdy for a 3RP monster with 7/8 and an optional extra attack (for 1 AoW card). She may keeps trouble away with her Mighty Throw and has Guard and Block. She's the only really "unmovable" unit that can't be forced out of her area by Mighty Throw. Together with Greyon she is the only "Guardian" unit that can reliably guard another unit (Greyon because even if moved, he can guard units in adjacent areas).
Good and stable guardian unit.
Strong and sturdy for a 3RP monster with 7/8 and an optional extra attack (for 1 AoW card). She may keeps trouble away with her Mighty Throw and has Guard and Block. She's the only really "unmovable" unit that can't be forced out of her area by Mighty Throw. Together with Greyon she is the only "Guardian" unit that can reliably guard another unit (Greyon because even if moved, he can guard units in adjacent areas).
Good and stable guardian unit.
Teowulff- God
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Re: Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
Pretty amazing sculpt too.
Rhalius- God
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Re: Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
Solid stats, double attack, can't be thrown... I like this. She is obviously more of a defensive unit, but she can be put to offensive use quite well too.
MaxC- Hero
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Re: Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
About the mini: I am having trouble with the design. It looks like a Mecha : some girl in an exo-armor. Is her face completely hidden by the snakes ?
She likes gold bracelets, I just wonder how she put them
She likes gold bracelets, I just wonder how she put them
Telgar- Hero
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Re: Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
About her stats:
3RPs, 4AC, 8 Vitality : seems ok. 8 defence and immunity to torment : very good, very resilient.
Immunity to Mighty Throw (I wonder if it will change to protect against other moving effects like Charibdis) : obviously her specific ability. She is very good to guard either an Omphalos area (and she may protect the Omphalos gatherer) or her god (which may come to the Omphalos area himself, btw).
Area attacks can try to counter this guard stance but Campe is so resilent that she can take the 2 attacks on her.
She has actually more activations than she needs for her guardian stance and can deal some additional damages with an AoW card. I believe that the lightning symbol is a mistake as the text implies an additional attack and not an alternate attack.
Mighty Thow and Block seems like the candy on the cake.
After analysis, I believe it is a very interesting unit to pick at 3RP !
3RPs, 4AC, 8 Vitality : seems ok. 8 defence and immunity to torment : very good, very resilient.
Immunity to Mighty Throw (I wonder if it will change to protect against other moving effects like Charibdis) : obviously her specific ability. She is very good to guard either an Omphalos area (and she may protect the Omphalos gatherer) or her god (which may come to the Omphalos area himself, btw).
Area attacks can try to counter this guard stance but Campe is so resilent that she can take the 2 attacks on her.
She has actually more activations than she needs for her guardian stance and can deal some additional damages with an AoW card. I believe that the lightning symbol is a mistake as the text implies an additional attack and not an alternate attack.
Mighty Thow and Block seems like the candy on the cake.
After analysis, I believe it is a very interesting unit to pick at 3RP !
Telgar- Hero
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Re: Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
forgot to look at move (=1) : it is her only low point.
I suggest 1AC to bring on the battlefield and 1AC to run to an Omphalos area in the center of the board.
After that I guess you're good and you don't need to come back after being pushed back.
I suggest 1AC to bring on the battlefield and 1AC to run to an Omphalos area in the center of the board.
After that I guess you're good and you don't need to come back after being pushed back.
Telgar- Hero
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Re: Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
Many units do have a movement of 1, I believe the majority has that.
Seems balanced since she also can't be thrown and costs 3 rp.
I can see her being popular to use against Typhon because he can't throw her away. Might make a great combination with Diomedes there to guard him somewhat, put Geryon there too as the other guard who is more resiliant and can guard someone in the area next to him. The three of them might make for a great band of Typhon killers.
And thus they had many adventures together, and became best buddies for life.
Seems balanced since she also can't be thrown and costs 3 rp.
I can see her being popular to use against Typhon because he can't throw her away. Might make a great combination with Diomedes there to guard him somewhat, put Geryon there too as the other guard who is more resiliant and can guard someone in the area next to him. The three of them might make for a great band of Typhon killers.
And thus they had many adventures together, and became best buddies for life.
Rhalius- God
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Re: Campe : Guard of Tartaros [BG]
True for humans (heroes and troops).Rhalius wrote:Many units do have a movement of 1, I believe the majority has that.
For monsters, the majority have move 2+ (25/37 counting the chargers).
Gods and Titans: only limping Hephaistus has 1 move.
I see the Campe move=1 as a weakness for the suggested tactic to accompagny her God.
Rhalius wrote:I can see her being popular to use against Typhon because he can't throw her away.
Yes I noticed it too !
Telgar- Hero
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