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Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE]

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Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] Empty Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE]

Post by Shifare Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:29 pm

Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] D6acc00ed4c700de13d20f7ee4fde57e_original

Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] 956f6443149a16f72530f6e5e9fefb30_original

Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] E45dbec75902ff4d5cdb3507f74845ac_original

Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] 3cc6967908f6a09e92f3fcd24540f9c7_original

Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] 6feaf515cd1a1de84c827f35c8cb9743_original
Copyright by Mythic Games – Pictures copied from Kickstarter campaign

Last edited by Shifare on Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2016-11-28
Age : 35
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Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] Empty Re: Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE]

Post by Teowulff Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:05 pm

I absolutely like the non-standard sculpt for this one!! Cool

Good and tough, though pretty middle of the road protective 4RP monster with a good defense against area attacks.

If you ever overcome the 9 vitality the Dragon has the spartoi will spawn. Very well done according to the myth and seems fun to play with! Nothing really outstanding though.
Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] FdqPkypfA2yv2D4ycPnH1SXn_MpuPzXZMe19ETRq5irglat5h815dfzaphD7LThdHzSu2GT2Q3L5kZFkBtoNlAJUKv8G3ullt3zI6eKX6eZ54Evb9Da6h4tz1JPnReG81_ZKofRl7Gidh0y9s00_EKhDeG2BdUTvZB6p3p6wWsXpC8x9sABM0AvLPwsOFXYb_8IPLbRygd7-A1R0QmMFPdAJ9cn8DBeQF2DFsWgONqKMohGjD8-EMQNKVnv4Bi8aqHQS3nbIejDBt2SMqnDMZ845HXCnNK8T51kFTaf4p8V741qswXKfkbO0vuPNRt6Q9qza1Rs1vLH7VlCaCM2bm58sEKKk8Mvk2ZraR3pr0AFh9XSjadaH7jl_UGHSunWIjcZlp3zdOGxXaHpwcAyL9aJeD0dHiiPYyP7mBDF3Us2_MpspoGJr5QrkbKdx5mBIyWavKXzw6xwKf1wjxqlabRCVtOqDbQg7b22gFb0JCtLBfYlTv82uQ3lZ50950ITyIfUCCtKXfwPlFRcQJD9AJip_A9CpQP98MFGbYWCjpMgVeybIrZWRQdFcHcgl4bIou7DULX4V4f00pHvT1OrDtZp6EJl7wq1FpJ9jqNi9c5RsYRbc=w477-h342-no

Posts : 201
Join date : 2016-11-28
Location : Utrecht, Almere, Amsterdam

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Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] Empty Re: Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE]

Post by Rhalius Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:36 pm

One of the most unique units in the game for sure, due to it spawning troops on its death.

If you have someone to bolster them, the Spartoi are not too bad either.

The dragon on it's own is alright too, not the strongest of four point heroes, but good enough as a guard.


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Age : 39
Location : Werkendam, Netherlands.

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Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE] Empty Re: Dragon of Thebes : A Huge Snake [BG KSE]

Post by MaxC Fri Dec 16, 2016 1:53 am

Very resilient guard. It even spawns yet more guards when he dies, which gives it that much more of a lasting impact on the game. Very useful if you think the game might become a war of attrition. It's a bit of a shame the Spartoi lose Guard as soon as you damage them, and you can't bring them back to full health. The Spartoi's use of the Dragon's activation cards makes them the only troop with more than 3 activations. They won't be of much use once they get hurt though, so those activations might go to waste. You could use them to fill up an area and prevent enemies from entering it, though I'm not sure how good that tactic would be. Could work in some specific contexts (preventing Petrification comes to mind).

Good luck getting to use those activations as AoW though, your enemy probably won't bother killing them off once they lose Guard and your only hope is for aoes and instant troop killers (Petrify, Circe's Metamorphosis).

As a final thought, this guy counts as 2 separate deaths for Hades and Persephone's powers, so that might be a factor to consider.

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Location : Montréal, Canada

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