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Best 5RPHero: Bellerophon - Veteran Achilles - Veteran Herkules.

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Best 5RPHero: Bellerophon - Veteran Achilles - Veteran Herkules.  Empty Best 5RPHero: Bellerophon - Veteran Achilles - Veteran Herkules.

Post by Aquiles10 Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:16 pm

Hi All,

I dont know if anybody will reply but...i hope so Razz

Between the 3 5RP which one do you think its the best choice?

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Ofc it will depend on the army around but lets say in a standard army. One that could win or by killing the God of by collecting Omphalos.

Herkules for me seens the worse. 2 reasons: movement 1 and 1AoW cards. in deed only the AoW cards could be a reason. He is a beast and has range attack and Force of Nature, and im not saying its a bad choice but imo, Bellerophon and Vet. Achilles are one step ahead.

Mr Perfect (Bellerophon) is very fast M3, always can have an activation card and pegasus grace is amazing too. can guard ur god, kill monsters easier... is there anything he cant do? i dont think so Razz

But Vet. Achilles is also a creature you wouldnt like to meet against you in the battle field. fast enough, almost impossible to kill, and Attack 7 but will never miss a hit (unless you preffer to use MT)  .... hard choice.

In my opinion i would say Vet. Achilles. He can kill almost everything, can collect omphalos if needed and since always was my favorite greek mythology hero Very Happy

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Join date : 2016-12-04

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Best 5RPHero: Bellerophon - Veteran Achilles - Veteran Herkules.  Empty Re: Best 5RPHero: Bellerophon - Veteran Achilles - Veteran Herkules.

Post by Teowulff Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:56 am

I's say they're quite different beasts.

Heracles is the damage dealer and a ranged one too. With range 3 and 9 attack (when in a ruin or forest) and an unconditional 3 dice re-roll he beats the others hands down. If necessary he even has a devestating 8-9 dice area attack, one of the best in the game. His unique selling point is his range: there's no ranged attacker that uses that many attack dice. For pure damage you'd rather pick some 4RP monster.

Damage-wise the other two are so-so. A 7 dice attack isn't very impressive. 2RP monsters like Lycaon and Eagle do 6 dice + torment, which is actually better than Bellerophon and about as good as Achilles with his blanks counting as 1s. Although the Eagle can even re-roll blanks.
Bellerophon is better than Achilles vs monsters, otherwise Achilles has the edge with his blanks = 1s.

Defensive I think Achilles and Bellerophon are better than Heracles, as re-rolls can also roll 5s. -2 dice or -1 damage is really good. Bellerophon can even Evade, which makes him very hard to kill.

Bellerophon is also a specialist monster killer and very fast, he would be a good Omphalos runner and he flies across the board in a single turn. His ability to draw AC is extremely handy, too.
Achilles is more the tank of the 3. Good speed, relatively low damage output. No Block - so enemies can run away.

What AoW cards are concerned it's funy that Bellerophon and Achilles don't use any but bring 3 - while Heacles' area attack uses 2 while he only brings 1.

Hard to say which one is better. Personally I don't really see a lot of use for Achilles as you can walk away from him and his damage isn't all that alarming compared to some other units. And you can simply block him with some tough monster with Block and high defense or regeneration and/or flying. He has no Guard either - otherwise he'd be the perfect bodyguard.
The other 2 are very different but I can see uses for a ranged high damage unit or a very versatile flying monster killer.
Of the 2 I think I'd pick Bellerophon for his free AC and 3AoW.

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Join date : 2016-11-28
Location : Utrecht, Almere, Amsterdam

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Best 5RPHero: Bellerophon - Veteran Achilles - Veteran Herkules.  Empty Re: Best 5RPHero: Bellerophon - Veteran Achilles - Veteran Herkules.

Post by Rhalius Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:34 pm

Heracles is extremely powerfull when you combine his two special abilities. He's pretty much guaranteed to deal good damage.

Bellerophon and Achilles both have a nice benefit of adding three art of war cards but not requiring any for themselves.

Achilles seems more a loner, a duelist of sorts and not a team player. His weakness seems to be that he has no block, which allows his enemies to pin him down where they want to a bit easier, and of course he can't keep enemies where you want them to stay either.
Mighty throw can at least get him out of that blocked position, but it's still a serious weakness for a front line fighter to not have block.

Bellerophon will be quite hard to kill considering that pegasus grace despite his stats not being that impressive at first sight aside from movement. He'll be a descent guard too due to this, and it's simple enough to keep a card of him in your hand. Just need to be carefull not to burn through his cards too quickly.

But, he does have five activations! that coupled with that friend of the muses ability is very powerfull and should not be underestimated. He can pretty much move whenever his owner wants him to move. Plenty of chances for retaliations too, due to this he'd win against supposedly stronger enemies simply because they may only have three activations and those three cards might be harder to get for the owner.


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Join date : 2016-12-05
Age : 39
Location : Werkendam, Netherlands.

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